Trying to seed a few bare spots in the spring? Our Bare Spot Seed Patch Mix is just the answer. It's a great seed mix for seeding bare spots in your lawn in the spring. Perennial Ryegrass will sprout quickly and Kentucky Bluegrass will help it fill in while the Fine Fescue survives in shady spots. If you're seeding your entire lawn, we'd recommend our Tuff Turf Seed Mix instead of this patch mix.
It contains excellent seed, recycled newspaper fiber to help hold in water, AND a water holding polymer that does wonders to keep the seed from washing away. This polymer makes a big diference compared to standard newspaper mulches. It evens sparkles in the sunlight when it has enough water. If you don't see sparkles, you'll want to start watering!
One 5lb bag should seed 200 - 400 square feet.
Note: If you have a Turf Type Tall Fescue Lawn, we'd recommend patching with Turf Type Tall Fescue (Good Nature Tuff Turf). If you're lawn is older or you're not sure what it is, our Pro Mix Seed Patch will be just the ticket.
Posted by JD on 6th May 2021
Workd well in spots that needed it.
Posted by Unknown on 4th Jun 2017
Bottom line:
I used this to seed bare areas of my lawn in the Spring. Watered daily. Grass started growing after 1-2 weeks.
I followed the instructions in this very helpful video (
I was initially looking at a Scott's product, but they all stated it had Apron XL fungicide (mefenoxam) (with warnings like: do not use for food, etc.... Keep out of reach of children, etc....). I wanted a product without pesticides, so I chose Good Nature's product. Happy with my decision.
Posted by Unknown on 4th Jun 2017
Bottom line:
I used this to seed bare areas of my lawn in the Spring. Watered daily. Grass started growing after 1-2 weeks.
I followed the instructions in this very helpful video (
I was initially looking at a Scott's product, but they all stated it had Apron XL fungicide (mefenoxam) (with warnings like: do not use for food, etc.... Keep out of reach of children, etc....). I wanted a product without pesticides, so I chose Good Nature's product. Happy with my decision.
Posted by Nancy Moore on 13th May 2017
I was confident that I could spot seed the bare patches of turf in my front yard so I ordered the mix from GN. I followed the directions and watered religiously. When I thought I should be seeing results, I did not. It seemed that I had lost my green touch. ONe month later, green shoots are sprouting thickly everywhere I planted. I am encouraged and my labors have had their reward!