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Broadleaf Plantain


What is Broadleaf Plantain?

Broadleaf Plantain is a perennial weed whose leaves can be crushed together to relieve the pain of insect bites.  Check out this broadleaf plantain based recipe for an All Natural Alternative to Neosporin!

Why do you have Broadleaf Plantain?

Broadleaf Plantain indicates that your soil is compacted...not enough pore space for air and water. 

What can you do about Broadleaf Plantain?

To remove the broadleaf plantain quickly you can either pluck it with a Speedy Weedy (weed pulling tool) or spot treat it with a chemical. However, if you don’t do something about the soil compaction, it will continue to come back. Liquid and/or Core Aeration, Compost Topdressing, Soil Testing and balancing the soil all help relieve soil compaction.  Adding one or two additional Natural Weed & Feed applications per season can help give extra plaintain supression without chemicals.  If they really bother you, a spot chemical control spray in the fall or spring will kill them.